Rogelio Sierra, viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, durante su intervención en la conferencia de prensa, efectuada en el Centro de Prensa Internacional (CPI), sobre las próximas reuniones de alto nivel de la Asociación de Estados del Caribe (AEC) y Caricom-Cuba, a realizarse en La Habana. 7 de marzo de 2017. ACN FOTO/Abel PADRÓN PADILLA/sdl
por Marta Rodríguez
Información Al Desnudo – Puerto Rico
provincia de Homs, en la República Árabe Siria, utilizando como pretexto el supuesto empleo por el gobierno sirio de armas químicas contra civiles
Rogelio Sierra Díaz |
provincia de Homs, en la República Árabe Siria, utilizando como pretexto el supuesto empleo por el gobierno sirio de armas químicas contra civiles.
Internacional, y un atropello contra un Estado soberano, a la vez que agudiza el conflicto en ese país y en la región, y aleja el logro de una solución
y en cualquier circunstancia, incluidos grupos terroristas.
para velar por el cumplimiento de la Convención sobre Armas Químicas, haya realizado una investigación imparcial, objetiva, transparente y despolitizada
sobre el caso. No es admisible la asignación de responsabilidades hasta tanto no se cuente con un pronunciamiento de la OPAQ.
Statement of the Cuban Vice Minister of Foreign Relations, Rogelio Sierra Díaz
I wish to convey our country’s strongest condemnation of the cruise missile attack unilaterally perpetrated by the United States on the Shayrat Air Base in the Province of Homs, in the Arab Republic of Syria; using as pretext the Syrian Government’s alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians.
Author: Rogelio Sierra Díaz
April 7, 2017 20:04:48
I wish to convey our country’s strongest condemnation of the cruise missile attack unilaterally perpetrated by the United States on the Shayrat Airbase in the Province of Homs, in the Arab Republic of Syria; using as pretext the Syrian Government’s alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians.
This illegal use of force, perpetrated outside the bounds of the United Nations, represents a grave and flagrant violation of the United Nations’ Charter and of International Law. It is also an act of aggression against a sovereign state. This action, in addition to escalating the conflict in Syria and the rest of the Arab Region, drives us further from the goal of a negotiated settlement.
Cuba, which is among the original signatory member states of the Convention on Chemical Weapons, also firmly rejects the use of chemical weapons by anyone, including terrorist groups, under any circumstances.
Actions have been taken against the Arab Republic of Syria without even allowing the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) the chance to conduct an impartial, objective, transparent and de-politicized investigation of the matter. This international organization is the body that has been mandated to monitor compliance with the Convention on the use of Chemical Weapons. Assigning responsibility for noncompliance to any party without a final pronouncement from OPCW is unacceptable.
I offer our most heartfelt condolences to the Syrian People for the loss of lives it has suffered among them children, on account of this current and previous aggressions.