At UN General Assembly, we express our solidarity with other struggles-photo by EA Rodriguez –
En Asamblea General de ONU, pudimos Solidarizarnos con otras luchas / In the UN General Assembly, we express our solidarity with other struggles,
En Asamblea General ONU, pudimos Solidarizarnos con otras luchas,
Como parte de la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas, pudimos conocer y conectar con otras luchas, como partes de los grandes problemas Globales, que las Mayorías confrontamos, enfrentamos en un Mundo de siguald social y explotacion por parte del 1%; Enemigos de todos los pueblos, que luchamos contra el discrimen racial, homofobico, explotación, subyugados, división, colonialismo, corrupción, ultraje, explotación, robo, propiedad privada de los medios a masivos de producción, desigualdad y pobreza.
También vimos como el SECTOR INTERMEDIARIO LE SIRVE AL 1%. Como dice la Biblia: Muchos serán los llamados y pocos los comprometidos. El grupo de Intermediarios y oportunistas…Gracias a dyo$…se quedaron en sus casas……por Yesenia Rosa & Edwin Chung Moline –
In the UN General Assembly, we express our solidarity with other struggles,
As part of the General Assembly of the United Nations, were able to meet and connect with other struggles, as parts of the major global problems. Today the majorities confronting, and face a world of social injustice, inequity, and exploitation by 1%; Enemy of all peoples, that we are fighting against racial discrimination, homophobic, exploitation, subjugation, division, colonialism, corruption, outrage, exploitation, theft, private ownership of the means of mass production, inequality and poverty.
Also we saw how the INTERMEDIARY SECTOR(bUROCRAT$ AND PO-LITI-CIAN$) serves 1%. The Bible says: many are called and few are the committed. The Group of intermediaries and opportunistic… Thanks to godd$… They stayed in their homes…by Yesenia Rosa & Edwin Chung Moline – -Naked News Corporation, NYC