¿Por qué la prensa de Puerto Rico no está hablando de lo que dijo Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez hoy en el “hearing”??? Este señor la botó del parque. Tómate 5 mins si eres Puertorriqueñ@, sin importar tu ideal en cuanto al status. Comparte la Informacion…
Today I spoke at a hearing on Puerto Rico’s debt crisis imploring my colleagues in the US Congress to recognize their responsibility for Puerto Rico because it is a US “colony.” Puerto Rico needs the ability to restructure its debt, create jobs so its people can prosper at home, and the ability to invite businesses to locate there — all policies essentially out of the control of Puerto Rico and in control of Washington.

Feb. 2, 2016 – Rep. Luis V. Gutiérrez, speaking at a Capital Hill hearing on Puerto Rico’s debt crisis implores his colleagues in the US Congress to…